You have spent countless hours finding the perfect JavaScript grammar, matching it with a sleek-looking VS Code theme, trying out all the best programming fonts.
You take three days porting over your theme before starting to use VS Code.
You shell out $200 for italic cursive html attributes.
The code has to look right.
, polacode.shadow
, polacode.transparentBackground
and polacode.backgroundColor
to control image appearanceMaterial Theme Palenight + Fira Code
Thanks to @tsayen for making dom-to-image, which Polacode is using for generating the images.
Thanks to Dawn Labs for making Carbon that inspired Polacode.
Many color are taken from the elegant Nord theme by @arcticicestudio.
Download button animation is made with Vivus.
Contribution is not very welcome. Please open an issue first so I can stop you from complicating the UX.